Data Analysis Amazon
This is Real Life

Analyzing 13 Years of Amazon Spending Data

Have you ever wondered how much you spend on Amazon each month? Year? What about since day 1 on I wasn't sure if I really wanted to delve into this. I've been an Amazon Prime member since 2006, so the numbers could add up to something pretty astronomical.

The average Amazon shopper spends about $544 per year. That amount for Amazon Prime Members increases to about $2,486 per year.

Obtaining the data for this was pretty simple. Amazon lets you download your spending history right on their website. True Story! It's all there. Readily available. Waiting to shock you.

After getting the data, I did a bit of cleaning. Remove a comma here and there, reformat some data types, date time stuff. Then I started manipulating the data so I could analyze it by amount spent each month, each day, by category, returns vs orders... You get the idea here.

I did learn that the total amount spent on Amazon since 2006 is $24,830.42. That's $1910.03 per year for the last 13 years. Well under the average Prime customer. Do you hear this, Michael Chaney????

If you are feeling nosy, check out the interactive chart here on where all my Amazon money goes.


In the future I hope to make this update in real time. Maybe an alert when spending gets over a certain amount. Hmm... on second thought, maybe no alerts.

Din Chaney
Din Chaney
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